Episode 29 – Political Violence in America

Judson McCranie, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Was January 6, 2021 an aberration or was it part of a long history of political violence in the United States? Join Hilary and Geoff as they discuss the role political violence played in the nation’s founding, its presence in the Capitol Building prior to January 6, and its potentially cyclical nature. Along the way we’ll cover Tulsa 1920, the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995, and the BLM movement. 

Episode 27 – January 6, 2021

A “Make America Great Again” hat sits in the debris left behind at the West Terrace entrance checkpoint. REUTERS/Erin Scott

Join us as we try to work through the momentous events of the armed assault on the US Capital. We throw in a bit of historical perspective, but be aware we’re working through this like everyone else.