
The First Thanksgiving – Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Join Hilary and Geoff as they discuss the origin of Thanksgiving, how it has changed over the last 400 years, and how it has be reconfigured as a secular/public holiday in the United States. We also delve into how the idea of Thanksgiving can over-simplify and white-wash Anglo-Indian relations in the 17th century.

PS – We also discuss out favorite Thanksgiving dishes.

Episode 19 – The American West – Part 2

Big Foot’s camp three weeks after Wounded Knee Massacre; with bodies of four Lakota Sioux wrapped in blankets in the foreground; U.S. soldiers amid scattered debris of camp

Join us as we continue discussing the American West!

Here are some of the books we’ve mentioned in the two-part overview:

Patricia Limerick – Legacy of Conquest
Richard White – The Middle Ground
William Cronon – Changes in the Land
Anne Hyde – Empires, Nations, and Families
Pekka Hämäläinen – Comanche Empire and Lakota America