Episode 45 – A History of Mormonism in America – Part 2

The Brigham Young Monument (or Pioneer Monument, a bronzed historical monument located on the north sidewalk of the intersection at Main and South Temple Streets of Salt Lake CityUtah. It was originally erected in the center of the intersection of Main and South Temple streets in 1897, where it stood until 1993, when it was moved a few yards north to its present location near the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

This week we wrap up a very brief introductory history of Mormonism in America. We continue the story from the previous episode with the church’s reaction to the murder of Joseph Smith. We trace the rise of Brigham Young and the infamous Utah War. We end with the twentieth century church and its transition from fringe group to conservative religion.

Episode 19 – The American West – Part 2

Big Foot’s camp three weeks after Wounded Knee Massacre; with bodies of four Lakota Sioux wrapped in blankets in the foreground; U.S. soldiers amid scattered debris of camp

Join us as we continue discussing the American West!

Here are some of the books we’ve mentioned in the two-part overview:

Patricia Limerick – Legacy of Conquest
Richard White – The Middle Ground
William Cronon – Changes in the Land
Anne Hyde – Empires, Nations, and Families
Pekka Hämäläinen – Comanche Empire and Lakota America